Our Quality policy is defined and strongly driven by the following management principles:
We care about our customer
Learn and understand customer needs and deliver preferred product or service meeting each customer specific needs for the best performance in terms of quality, pricing and delivery time.
We are competent
Continuously develop skills and competences of the employees according to the tasks to be performed through various training programs and methods. Expand team capabilities by sharing experience and knowledge.
We take responsibility
Ensure compliance with binding legal norms, standards and regulations, and contractual obligations. Establish and adhere to internal company standards and procedures. Prevent quality defects and find solutions for challenging tasks.
We aim for continuous improvements
Conduct systematic process analysis, monitor quality performance, and drive company to continuous improvement, process improvements and innovation. Based on these principles, providing excellent service and product quality, we will achieve our goals towards long-term success, sustainable business development and continuous improvement.
AE Partner cares for health and safety of its employees and anyone else who may be affected by company operations, while meeting quality, environmental and other applicable requirements.
To support and promote good occupational health and safety management practices within the company, AE Partner has implemented the ISO 45001 standard and is guided by the following principles:
We take responsibility
Comply with occupational health and safety legislation and regulations and implement best practice principles to prevent the occurrence of accidents and occupational diseases in the company.
We evaluate and prevent risks
Identify, assess and monitor work environment risks. Implement preventive actions to improve safety level at work.
We are competent and we take care
Promote competence and involvement of employees in occupational health and safety issues by providing necessary information and training.
Always be responsible for health and safety of yourself and the people around you.
We aim for continuous improvements
Through monitoring and surveillance of the work environment, work actively on continuous improvement of the working environment and information and training of employees to prevent accidents and occupational diseases.
Based on these principles, the company promotes continuous improvement in occupational health and safety and each employee is responsible for the successful implementation of these principles.
Being aware of its environmental impact and responsibility, AE Partner is committed to implement sustainable business practices. Our environmental policy aims to build trust between AE Partner, our employees, customers and community by demonstrating our commitment to following principles:
We take responsibility
Ensure compliance with binding environmental legislative standards and norms. Identify environmental aspects and determine actions with hazardous environmental aspects.
We care and respect
Monitor, analyze, and reduce the consumption of natural resources while minimizing the environmental impact of the business.
We sort waste
Prevent environmental pollution and protect the environment by sorting waste according to company procedures.
We aim for continuous improvements
Conduct systematic data collection and process analysis, monitor environmental performance and find innovative methods to reduce environmental impact. Based on these principles, company promotes continuous improvement in environmental performance and every of our employee is responsible for environmental performance.
At AE Partner we practice diversity to drive business results, enhance our reputation, attract and recruit diverse team of talented people. Our diversity policy is to treat everyone equally without consideration for age, race, nationality, physical ability, culture, appearance, education or religious background. We practice non-punitive policy in our company to deal with conflicts that arise from people having different point of view.
AE Partner cares for person’s privacy and data protection, complies person’s rights to lawfulness of personal data protection regarding with General Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 requirements and with others applicable laws in privacy and data processing fields. Privacy Policy applies to all kind of personal data processing which is done by AE Partner, and explains overall conditions about person’s data processing, and protection, done by AE Partner.
More information here: https://www.aepartner.dk/privacy-policy/
The procedure for receiving and reviewing reports of AE Partner (from now on – the Company) has been developed under the Whistleblowing Law (from now on – the Law).
Whistleblower is a person (employee, trainee, outsourcer, guest) who provides information about a possible violation, that may be harmful to the public interest, if the person considers this information to be true and obtained in the course of employment or legal relations with the performance of work duties.
The aim
The internal Whistleblowing system has been developed under the requirements of the regulatory statutes of the Republic of Latvia, promoting the fair and open operation of the Company. Upon finding and informing about the violation of the Company or the Whistleblower’s contact point, the Whistleblower has the right to receive specific protection measures, consequently being protected from unfavorable outcomes.
Violations, for which to whistleblow
Everyone has the right to bring an action for criminal offenses, administrative offenses or other breaches of Law, or breaches of binding ethical or professional rules detrimental to the general public interest, such as negligence on the part of officials, negligence or abuse of office, corruption, fraud, misappropriation of public funds. Or a waste of property, tax evasion, a threat to public health, threat to food safety, threat to construction safety, threat to environmental safety, a threat to occupational safety, threat to public order, violation of human rights, violation of public procurement, violation of financial and capital market sector, violation of the Law of Competition Infringement, provision of goods and services, including about safety and compliance, violations of transport security, violations of the internal market, violations of animal welfare, protection of consumer rights, protection of privacy and personal data, and security of network and information systems.
Before to whistleblow, it is necessary to make sure that the violation is a criminal offense, an administrative violation, or another violation of legal norms, as well as a violation of binding ethical or professional norms that is detrimental to the public interest. Consultations on the Law can be obtained at the Contact Point of whistleblowers at the State Chancellery.
Whistleblowing reporting channels
Submission of Whistleblowing report:
• at the beginning of the employment relationship, employees are informed about the Company’s internal Whistleblowing mechanism;
• Whistleblowing policy guidelines are embedded in the Company’s internal management system;
• by contacting the relevant competent authority;
• at the contact point of the Whistleblowing – at the State Chancellery.
Content of the Whistleblowing report
The Whistleblowing report shall contain information – addressee, description of the violation, mentioning specific facts, method of obtaining information (work-related), what damage may be caused by the alleged violation, or the violation has already been reported in advance, name, surname, personal identification number, contact information, date of submission.
Infringement report procedure
1. Receipt, registration, and pseudonymization of the application.
2. Transfer of the application to responsible persons, who must examine it
3. Evaluation of the application under the checklist of the Whistleblowing signs:
3.1. the requirements for submission of the report have been complied with;
3.2. a person has submitted the report;
3.3. information obtained while performing work duties;
3.4. there are no reasonable and objective doubts about the applicant’s good
3.5. a decision regarding the recognition of the submission as an Whistleblower report;
4. Within seven days, the compliance or non-compliance of the application with the requirements of the Law and the progress of the further report shall be assessed.
Within three days, the applicant shall be informed of the result of the evaluation.
5. The whistleblower shall be informed of the progress of the examination of the report of the alarm rapporteur not later than within two months from the day when the submission has been recognized as the report of the alarm rapporteur.
Obligations and rights of the Company
Upon receipt of the whistleblowers report form, AE Partner undertakes to comply with and comply in good faith with both the requirements of the Whistleblowing report and the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation relating to the protection of personal data.
Updates 25.08.2022.
This AE Partner Statement on Human Trafficking and Slavery establishes AE Partner commitment to preventing the use of childs labor, forced, bonded or indentured labor involuntary prison labor, slavery or trafficking of persons. The Statement embodies our policy at Human Rights Principles. This Policy applies to all employees and contingent workers, as well as the employees of our subsidiaries.
AE Partner also expects our suppliers to maintain progressive employment, environmental, health, and safety practices that meet or exceed all applicable laws or relevant external codes. We expect our suppliers to respect human rights, including maintaining policies and procedures to prevent the use of child or forced labor.
AE Partner is committed to respecting human rights and upholding the values and high standards of ethics expressed in our organization internal rules.
We will not use or tolerate the use of forced, debt bonded, indentured labor, involuntary prison labor, slavery or human trafficking in our business or supply chain. This includes recruiting, harboring, transporting, providing, receiving, or obtaining of a person for labor services, through the use of force, fraud, coercion, abduction or fraud for the purpose of involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery.
There shall be no unreasonable restrictions on workers’ freedom of movement. All work must be voluntary and governed by the state labor law.
AE Partner maintain free access by employees to their personal files and description of their employment documentation as well as to organization rules which also upholds and governs the mutual ethical comunication norms between cooworkers. As a responsible entity AE Partner keeps improving internal policy that maintain the support of rights and wellbeing of its employees and is against any violation of human rights.
Corporate social responsibility (from now on – CSR) is a socially responsible business model, which forms a transparent activity of AE Partner (from now on – Company).
The CSR policy is developed based on the requirements, standards, policies, and contractual obligations of the Republic of Latvia binding on the Company. Aware of its impact on various business sectors and its economic, legal, ethical, philanthropic responsibility to society, the environment, and the economy, AE Partner chooses to support the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Agenda adopted on 25 September 2015 (from now on referred to as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
- End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere.
- Ensure equal opportunities for everyone to take the leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life.
- Achieve higher economic productivity levels through diversification, technological upgrading, and innovation, including through a focus on high-value-added and labour-intensive sectors.
- Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities and decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation.
- Take measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and prevent the abuse of child labour.
- Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers.
- Empower and promote the social, economic, and political inclusion of employees, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic or other status.
- Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies, and action in this regard.
- Adopt policies, especially fiscal, wage and social protection policies, and progressively achieve greater equality.
- Achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.
- Achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle, in accordance with agreed international frameworks, and significantly reduce their release to air, water and soil in order to minimize their adverse impacts on human health and the environment
- Reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling, and reuse.
- To adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into reporting cycle.
- Prevent corruption and bribery in all their form.
- Develop effective, accountable, and transparent institutions at all levels.
- Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms by national legislation and international agreements.
- Promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and policies for sustainable development.
The Company’s cooperation with stakeholders is organized according to the principles of AA 1000:
Materiality – evaluation of mutually important cooperation topics – environment, economy, society.
Responsiveness – involvement of stakeholders in addressing topical issues.
Impact – timely response to stakeholder requirements, wishes and needs.
- Contradicts the Company’s guidelines and values.
- Focused on selfish, mercantile interests.
- Associates or supports political actions.
► Our Commitment
At AE Partner, we recognize that our responsibility extends beyond our own organization. We are committed to ethical business practices and environmental sustainability, including the responsible sourcing of minerals.
We proactively conduct due diligence within our supply chain to ensure transparency and to source only conflict-free materials for our products and components.
To achieve this, we have established a Supplier Code of Conduct that outlines clear requirements for our suppliers and partners to follow ethical guidelines and practices that align with our own. It includes guidelines for labor conditions, environmental sustainability, anti-corruption, and fair-trading practices, including the responsible sourcing of the minerals used in our products.
► Compliance and Due Diligence
We have made a Responsible Minerals Sourcing Statement aligned with internationally recognized regulations and standards, including:
- E.U. Conflict Minerals Regulation (2017/821);
- OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and
High-Risk Areas;
- Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) and its reporting frameworks;
- Other relevant industry standards and best practices.
We implement and comply with the obligations arising from E.U. Conflict Minerals Regulation (2017/821), which defines supply chain due diligence for importers and processors of tin, tantalum and tungsten, gold (3TG), and their ores from conflict-affected and high-risk areas.
As a downstream user AE Partner sources materials through a complex global supply chain and does not directly purchase raw minerals from any of the smelters.
To manage data collection and ensure compliance, there are used two standardized reporting frameworks:
- Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT);
- Extended Minerals Reporting Template (EMRT).
► Supplier Expectations
We expect our suppliers to:
- Communicate this statement to their upstream suppliers;
- Ensure their own supply chains comply with responsible sourcing requirements;
- Annually, provide complete and accurate CMRT/EMRT data for transparency;
- Take corrective actions and inform AE Partner if non-compliance is identified in supply chain.
► Continuous Improvement
AE Partner remains committed to continuously improving responsible supply chain. We are continuously developing our knowledge, evaluating our processes, engaging with industry stakeholders, and improving our due diligence measures to promote ethical supply chains.